Heartworks Lomi Lomi

Level 1 Practitioner Training

INASOUL practicing Demonstrating Lomi Lomi Massage.

Video By Katey shearer @katyshearer

What is Heartworks Lomi Lomi?

It is the way of the heart…

Heartworks Lomi Lomi, is a deeply nurturing and relaxing massage. With its gentle flowing sequences, it is an excellent and beautiful way to relax and cleanse the body and mind, open up the heart and soothe the soul. But, it is so much more than just a massage or technique. It is a sacred healing deeply rooted in Hawaiian tradition.

It is a healing modality of love (aloha), meditation and prayer, (pule) where the giver is merely an instrument, a ‘flute’, through which life force or ‘mana’ can flow to the recipient. The work must come from the heart and flow through the hands, resulting in a healing beyond the mind.

This heart opening massage style involves hands and fingers flowing in continuous moves, bringing the client to a state of deep relaxation. Within it is the ability to reduce stress, promote muscle relaxation and improve circulation and thereby stimulate the client on both a physical and an emotional level. In receiving this massage, we allow ourselves to let go of the old and so make room for new and wondrous energy.

You will enhance your awareness; you will laugh and learn; be pampered and nurtured inside and out and experience 4 days of personal growth and absolute, connection and empowerment all whilst learning a new skill to add to your current healing business or to share with family, friends and loved ones..

What are the benefits of Heartworks Lomi Lomi?

Lomi Lomi is a holistic massage with many health and wellness benefits. It is used both professionally and as a healing tool by therapists throughout the world.

Ultimate benefits of learning this healing art are:

• Learning to help you and others to relax, feel, heal and become more embodied.

• Gain new skills in meditation and healing.

• Personal empowerment, (Ho’omana) and awareness.

* developing a deeper connection with self, others and nature.

* Experincing new ways to bring more mana, energy, peace, vitality and joy into life.

Heartworks Lomi Lomi courses are available at Ina Soul.

The four days consists of 38 hours of training and upon completion you will be issued with a certificate and a comprehensive booklet on the massage component.

During the course you will develop on many levels and upon completion of the course you will have learned how to confidently and lovingly give a full body massage.

Dani is a qualified, experienced practitioner and facilitator with over 20 years experience in this field. She has done extensive training and facilitation with Mettes Institute ~ High Spirits Retreat.

The course is accredited by ‘Mettes Institute’ and recognised by the ‘International Institute for Complementary Therapists’ giving students access to very affordable professional insurance