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Bachelor of Science - Deakin University - 1999

Advanced Diploma of Health Sciences in Holistic Kinesiology - The Kinesiology College for Energetic Sciences - 2002

Ka Huna Level 7, Specialised Facilitators Training & Lomi Lomi facilitator - Mettes Institute of Bodywork and personal development - 2001-2017

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki - Reiki 1 practitioner - 2014

Pleiadian Lightwork Level 2 & Pleiadian Full Sensory Perception Level 4 Practitioner - Certified by Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School - 2015-2019

Multi-instrumental Sound Journey Level 2 - Sound Healing Bali - 2019

Modern Qigong Teacher - Nicole Lee Qigong - 2020

Dani Cullen

Dani Cullen of INASOUL is a practitioner of holistic healing and wellness. Dani has been practising holistic treatments for nearly 20 years and is well known and trusted by many Apollo Bay residents for their own holistic well-being. Dani’s deep reverence for nature and her playful spirit allow her to connect deeply with clients. An integral part of Dani’s treatments are based on trust, love and gentle guidance, so the client can in turn start a journey of self healing.

Why i do what i do?

I never really planned to do what I do. I have curiously wandered down many different paths in this one short life and found they have all been leading me, one way or another, to the same destination, back home. Home to myself. To embodying my most natural, peaceful and happy state, from the inside out.

I have always been one to follow my heart and answer the sometimes weird or crazy whispers of my soul. Although sometimes not so easy, and often quite challenging, I have never looked back. What I practise has been as a result of these callings. To satisfy my curiosity, I embarked on a deep, wonderful dive into the fires of self discovery, always guiding me back to self love, gratitude and connection with all that is.

The work I offer at INASOUL has touched my own life deeply, beautifully and profoundly.

The modalities I practise are my own body, heart, mind and soul medicine. They are an integral part of who I am and my way of life. It is only natural that I love to share my skills that continue to evolve, awaken, empower and enrich my own life with you.

I am passionate about what I do. It is sacred healing. I hold space for you, to be held, nurtured and for your healing to unravel. To reveal your most natural essence and be confident to create and sustain a more loving, peaceful, joyful and harmonious existence.

- Dani x

“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul”
Dear Dani,
So we had a photoshoot... I guess on a surface level you could call it that, but underneath something SO much bigger was playing out... so much power, so much potential and a fuck load of trust. Sometimes you’re the teacher and, sometimes you’re the student and, on the best days you’re both...
— Maddy

…For me to work with Dani was completely natural. Dani is an amazing healer, and I’ll talk about her because I know she won’t. Dani is there for so many people who are holding onto so much, who are in a place of fear and have patterns they can’t seem to shake or are just feeling stuck.

There’s freedom in your pain, I promise!

Dani has been my gal for close to two years after my whole world changed at thirty. The wounds and the pain were strong and relentless. A big part of it was me coming back to me, the ultimate freedom (I’m a freedom junkie) was centred around creativity.

I remember crying to Dani and saying something along the lines of “but if people really knew how crazy I was..” hahaha It’s time to get real, it’s time to show healing for all that is is! Messy, raw, powerful, dark, beautiful and yes transformative! The death and the magic.

We are made up of energy, emotions are energy in motion (e-motion) when emotion is stuck due to trauma or stress it causes disease (dis-ease). Dani practises so many different ways of releas. Wherever you are at, allow yourself to be supported. She has years and lifetimes of knowledge, waiting to guide you! This pic symbolises my utmost respect to her. Thanks for being a game changer, a frontliner, an out of the box thinker and mostly thank you for your bravery.

Prior to this, eye contact, affection, intimacy, touch, wiping mud all over my face and touching noses were all confronting experiences for me. Now let’s just say if it wasn’t August, I would have been naked under that waterfall! Freedom baby.. it’s not just possible, it’s waiting for you :-)

Much love to Dani for allowing me to direct this shoot, for being ok with ice cold water crossings, leeches, prickles and mud!

Grateful beyond words…

-Maddy x