Thank You

Its New Years eve 2020 and for the first time in a long time, I have this beautiful moment in time to myself. I find myself in this quiet space of reflection. This year has been full. Full of breakdowns, breakthroughs, fear raising accidents, loving adventures, sadness and joy, tears, lots of tears but so many smiles, love, laughter and deep connections. Life has fallen down, been ripped apart but just like the bud of a flower it is opening to a new day a new way, new, fresh and full of fragrance, full of new possibilities and opportunities. Full of life and potential. So as I sit now writing, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. My heart is expansive, full. I am so grateful for it all. Each challenge brought a gift. It seemed the bigger the challenge, the greater the gift and I only have thanks and love in my heart for all of it.

I want to give a huge shout out to all the beautiful, amazing people in this world who have supported me, believed in me, inspired me, motivated and loved me. Those who have laughed, loved, cried and danced the great dance with me, i love you. To all of you who open your hearts a little wider each day to life and love, even when its scary, i love you. To all the ones who connect with love and spread it into the world with a smile, kindness, a hug, a phone call to check-in, by sharing their soul with a piece of art, loving the earth by planting a tree, being compassionate, dancing wild and free barefooted upon the earth, laughing full heartedly at the stars, swimming naked in the wild cold ocean, for holding a hand in the depths of someones pain, by just being real, unapologetically themselves, in every way, i love you. For all the givers who give their hearts, even when they need it the most themselves, Thank you! RamDas once said ”We are all just walking each other home” So true.

Yep there is a lot of negative out there, but, please don’t overlook the beauty that surrounds us, the amazing souls who are everywhere, lifting us up, and shining so much good, love and light. Remember to take the small moments in time to breathe and connect in with this amazing. When you look, when you stop and feel, open your eyes and heart, it is everywhere. It blows me away everyday and I am so incredibly grateful and full of love because of it. So Thank you.

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